
Carved by Cancer™

Carved By Cancer™ is a place survivors come for community, information, and tools to help themselves transform and flourish in life after cancer.

By joining this community you will have access to honest, on-going discussions about the inner workings of people just like you who are looking for a place to talk about and discover ways of dealing with the long-term side effects of cancer treatment.  Difficult topics are addressed and tools offered to help us grow, together!


A Community of Survivors



We’re a community of life experience.  Together, we learn how to reconnect to our body and use the power of our minds to create sustainable change and build resilience.



We become each other’s co-pilots on this journey. Helping each other become the person we wish to be. You will also be introduced to knowledge experts in areas around managing long-term side effects of cancer helping you make sustainable change.



The Survivor Network is where we show up; no need to keep up. It is a distraction-free place for honest conversations. A safe space to discuss your challenges, share your perspective, and be supported by other survivors just like you.


Online Courses

We will be launching our curated online self-paced courses in September 2020. Students will have the opportunity to explore the science of positive psychology, experience the tools and interventions and share learning and wisdom with the community. Inviting conversation with others about ideas and information rather than a monologue enriches the learning experience.